Nominating Committee

The Nominating Committee develops and maintains an on-going recruiting plan for Board of Directors nominees. It manages the annual elections by recruiting nominees and publishing ballots.  Ballots are collected at the annual meeting. Ballots are then counted at the annual meeting for nominees as well as write-in candidates.

The chair of the Nominating Committee must be a board member, per our Bylaws, Article V, Section 1. 

The Board of Directors is composed of nine unpaid, volunteer members. Three Board members are elected each year on a rotating basis. Any homeowner in good standing is eligible for Board membership. Persons interested in running for election must be nominated by the end of the regular October monthly Board meeting.   Eligible candidates will included on the paper ballot to be mailed by USPS to homeowners later that month.

Complete details regarding Board membership and the nomination and election process are available by clicking on “FCHOA By-Laws” near the upper right corner of this page and reading Articles IV and V.

Also, up for election each year is one of three FCHOA representatives to the Foothills Homeowners Master Association. The nomination process for this position is the same as for Board members.

Please submit your application via

  • Email to:

U.S. Mail to:
Foothills Clusters Homeowners Association