The CC&R Enforcement addresses violations of the Covenants, Conditions and Rules (CC&R’s) which can include architectural issues, barking dogs, illegally parked vehicles, exposed debris, etc. All residents of the Foothills Clusters are bound by the CC&R’s – homeowners and renters alike.
Whenever possible, the committee tries to resolve issues informally with the residents and/or homeowners. If necessary, the committee will initiate legal proceedings with the homeowners who are responsible for all activities occurring on their property. You can read the CC&R enforcement policy by clicking on the following link:
CC&R Compliance Assessment Policy – July 10, 2023 (This will open in a new tab.)
CC&R Enforcement Policy Revised January 6, 2020 (This will open in a new tab.)
General Violation Fine Schedule – 2018 (This will open in a new tab.)
Please contact the Enforcement Committee at CC& with your questions or comments.