(Note: The HOA owns and is responsible for maintaining only the private roads, the cul-de-sacs along which our houses are located. Our main thoroughfares, Evans Mountain Road and Ventana Canyon Road are owned by Pima County and the HOA has no control over their maintenance. To see a map of the private and county roads, click on the following link:)
(This will open in a new tab.)
The Landscape & Roads Committee(s) are responsible for maintenance of our private roads (the cul-de-sacs) and for the appearance and state of vegetation along these roads (within the Limited Common Area, not on private property).
The committee(s) also maintains the statuary, vegetation and lighting at both entrances. (These two grounds are actually Pima County property).
The committee(s) also conducts inspections of the limited common area landscaping (i.e., the small islands of land amid the turn-arounds at the end of each cul-de-sac) and makes recommendations to the Board of Directors. The committee(s) arecurrently composed of:
Chair Chair
Mr. Austin Wessnitzer Mr. Ron Steffens
Roads Committee Landscape Commitee
Private Road Maintenance Project
The private roads owned by the HOA (the cul-de-sacs along which the homes are situated) are over forty years old and were not laid to modern paving standards. The roads are now in either “poor” or “failed” condition. Simple re-coating or chip sealing will not fix the roads and will quickly fail.
There is broad support for replacing the roads, but the means to pay for replacing them is difficult. The cost to replace the roads is roughly $1,500,000 while the HOA currently has less than half that amount available for the project. Thus, major road renovation cannot happen until enough annual dues are collected (mathematically, a near impossibility) or a special assessment is approved by two-thirds of the homeowners.
The Roads Committee has essentially completed its task of researching and specifying the needed for on-going maintenance. To read the committee reports and engineering documents regarding the 2023 re-pavement, click on the following link:
Private Road Maintenance Project
County Road Maintenance
Our two main thoroughfares, Evans Mountain Road and Ventana Canyon Road, are owned by Pima County. The HOA has no direct control over their maintenance. However, the Landscape and Roads Committee(s) regularly inspects these roads and reports serious deficiencies such as potholes, crumbling of the pavement edges and overgrown vegetation. Pima County is generally responsive to the committee’s reports but, generally, it does the minimum work needed to satisfy the complaint.
In Spring 2016 neighbors organized a petition to have the county roads repaired. Click on the following link to read more: