FCHOA ACC-Guidelines (v1.1) Special Board Meeting

The Board of Directors will hold a Special Board Meeting to review the proposed changes to the FCHOA ACC-Guidelines (v1.1) Approval DRAFT, updated with homeowner input since the Proposed FCHOA ACC Guidelines was presented at the Jan 8 regular monthly board meeting.   

The Special Board Meeting will be held on Monday, Feb 5, 2024 at 6:30 PM, Arizona time.

The document is available at: Approval DRAFT FC-ACC Guideline-v1.1c_240131  and   meeting agenda by clicking Here .

For your reference: Proposed FC-ACC Guideline-v1.1_240112 

The meeting will be held on Zoom. All homeowners are invited to attend. For the safety and security of all, registration is required to attend the meeting. Register in advance for this meeting at:


After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about how to join the meeting.

A video tutorial is available at Zoom Learning Center =>  Joining a Zoom meeting 

Please send your questions or comments to the Architectural Control Committee at: ACC.Chair@FoothillsClusters.com