~2023 FCHOA Elections – Call for Nominations

The Foothills Clusters HOA Invites Homeowners to
Become a Board member!
We Appreciate Your Important Help!

Our community HOA functions thanks to volunteers on the Foothills Clusters Board of Directors. We seek your valuable assistance finding candidates for Board membership. If you, or a homeowner you know, would like to serve on the Board, would you please consider applying?

Any homeowner in good standing is eligible for Board membership.

Board member terms are three years in duration. The monthly time requirement of the Board member seat varies from a minimum of two hours per month up to approximately six hours per month. Board members may allow other Board members to vote on their behalf if they are unable to attend the monthly meeting.

Information regarding Board membership and the nomination and election process are available at: www.FoothillsClusters.com, clicking on “FCHOA By-Laws” and reading Articles IV and V. Please read this page before applying.

Also, up for election is one of the three FCHOA representatives to the Foothills Homeowners Master Association.  For information regarding the Master Association, please contact MasterHOA@FoothillsClusters.com

To Apply: Simply send your name, street address, and contact information to: gpiraino@foothillsclusters.com.

You may also mail your information to:
Foothills Clusters Homeowners Association
P.O. Box 64569
Tucson, AZ 85728

Questions or comments? Please contact:
Gregory Piraino, Chair-Nomination Committee at


Frank Karnauskas, Member-Nomination Committee at